Handle with Care: Ohio

OhioHWC Implementation Outline


Planning Support/Shared Materials: OhioHWC provides all required materials, HWC Leaders/Coordinators are given access via a shared Google Folder. Materials provided include resources for introducing the program, the PowerPoints for each of the required trainings, forms and outlines needed to plan program launch and First Responder Visits, and more! Materials are provided through each phase of the process, in alignment with the supportive consultation meetings HWC Coordinators attend virtually with OhioHWC Lead. All materials include editable sections where HWC Leaders can add locally relevant information.
Partners Meeting: This 60-90 minute meeting serves to introduce the HWC model to community leaders from cross-systems agencies throughout a county. OhioHWC does require that the Partners Meeting be a county-wide opportunity, although communities within a county can move forward with/without countywide participation after the initial meeting; this is one of the factors that HWC Coordinators will manage along with county and community partners. The Partners Meeting The goals of the Partners Meeting include providing community leaders with an understanding of the HWC model, gaining commitment to move forward, beginning discussions regarding the HWC notice reporting system, First Responder Visits opportunities, and training windows. Partners Meetings also serve as an opportunity to recruit additional HWC leaders, trainers and champions. The OhioHWC Lead co-facilitates Partners Meetings with county’s HWC Coordinator and therefore scheduling must be coordinated.
  • Local HWC Partners Law must jointly attend a one-hour presentation providing an overview of the impact of trauma on children, the impact of trauma on learning, key elements of HWC, and program implementation.
  • HWC programs must include the following local Partners: schools and local Educational Service Centers, First Responders, specifically law enforcement and firefighters and community mental health providers. OhioHWC programs are encouraged to include other key Partners: Family & Children First Councils; juvenile courts; Alcohol, Drug Addiction, and Mental Health Services Boards; victim advocacy programs; Emergency Management Agencies; Health Departments; community programs; parent organizations, etc.
  • Commitments from local leaders are necessary for successful program implementation.
  • Team/Agency HWC Leaders: OhioHWC encourages all partnering agencies designate a person who will serve as the representatives/leader for their discipline. The Team/Agency HWC Leader will act as a liaison between their discipline/agency and the county/community HWC Coordinator.
Training of Trainers: This is required for any person intending to provide the required training for school staff and/or first responders. Any person planning to train school staff is required to attend a two hour Training of Trainers. Any person planning to train First Responders only, is only required to attend the first 30 minutes of the Training of Trainers. The goal is equipping trainers with a thorough understanding of the model and ability to train colleagues to apply the model in their professional roles. The OhioHWC Lead facilitates the Training of Trainers, in coordination with local HWC Coordinator(s), scheduling must be coordinated and all needed materials are provided by OhioHWC.
All School Staff & First Responder Trainings: These trainings provide staff on the ground level with an understanding of why and how to handle with care, from either the teachers/school or first responder perspective. For teachers, the training includes trauma-informed responses to any HWC Notices and other aspects of responding using the HWC model. For First Responders, the training covers how/when to send HWC Notices and includes tips for practicing trauma informed care during the First Responder Visits to schools.
Launch: After school staff and first responders are trained, the local HWC Coordinator will announce the program’s launch. As part of the launch process, the HWC Coordinator will confirm that the HWC Notice reporting system is functional, that partnering first responders are informed of the reporting system and have received the First Responder Visits details/schedule. HWC Coordinators also provide a summary handout to all trained school staff. All required materials are provided by OhioHWC along with more guidance prior to and through the launch process.
  • HWC Coordinators assist key partners in developing protocols for sending/receiving notices, first responder visits, and ongoing meetings.
  • Law enforcement and first responders commit to sending HWC Notices and participating in First Responder Visits.
  • Schools commit to provide a space at school for counseling.
Ongoing Partners Meetings: The HWC Coordinator will invite local Partners, Trainers, & Champions to quarterly meetings for troubleshooting, sharing successes, and any program updates. OhioHWC encourages these meetings are held in conjunction with existing meetings where possible. An additional invitation would be sent to all HWC Partners. Depending on the existing meeting and timeframe needed to cover ongoing HWC matters, HWC can also become an added agenda item within existing meetings, e.g. FCFC, ESC, or Prevention Coalition meetings.
  • Partners must routinely meet to assess gaps/barriers in the program and needed improvements.
Data Reporting: HWC Coordinators submit data monthly, this is only the total number of HWC Notices sent/received within their county. HWC Coordinators may also request that data is reported by each school district’s HWC Leader. More information regarding data reporting will be provided to HWC Coordinators.
If you would like to move forward in your community, or learn more, click here to connect with OhioHWC!